ORGANISATIONS PRODUCTS | The American Amputee Soccer Association is a non-profit organization.
| Welcome! This is a very exciting year for the new Australian Powerchair Football Association (APFA) and we are looking forward to growing and building on successful seasons in 2011 and 2012 and establishment of the sport around Australia. Please read on for more detail... |
| N.S.W. Push And Power Sports Inc. is an organisation that provides opportunities for disabled athletes to be involved in sporting activities that are not generally catered for by any other organisation. We are unique in that we does not concentrate on any one particular physical disability and that both manual and powerdrive wheelchair dependent athletes can participate side by side. |
| Power Soccer is the first competitive team sport designed and developed specifically for power wheelchair users. These participants include persons with quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, head trauma, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabilities. Power Soccer combines the skill of the wheelchair user with the speed and power of the chair itself, to participate in an extremely challenging game similar to soccer. The game is played in a gymnasium on a regulation basketball court. Two teams of four power chair users attack, defend, and spin-kick a 13-inch soccer ball in an attempt to score goals.
| The mission of the xAble Sports Foundation is to empower and enable individuals with disabilities by promoting and supporting the growth of adaptive sports worldwide. The xAble Sports Foundation will initially give preference to power wheelchair athletes, as they are the newest entrants to the adaptive sports community, however it will support all disabled athletes as funds are available. |
| 'Wheelchair' is a commercial company that includes on it's website interviews with wheelchair athletes and a great collection of wheelchair sports and recreation videos including paragliding, tennis, dance, softball,wheelchair rugby or 'murderball',climbing, handcycling, power soccer, wheelchair hockey and more and more and more. Scroll down to see a collection of their videos.
| Wheelchair Football Equipment's mission is to work closely with The Wheelchair Football Association to provide players with the best mechanical football play devices, for safe enjoyable play of football, as close as possible to able-bodied player rules. All the profit generated from the supply of ball play devices is re-invested in the game for the benefit of the players.