ORGANISATIONS | Formed in the year 2000 in Mareeba, North Queensland, the Association of Australian Assistance Dogs (NQ) Inc [ASDOGS(NQ) Inc] is an organisation dedicated to the training and promotion of accredited Assistance Dogs for people with disabilities.
| Assistance Dogs Australia obtains, trains and maintains dogs in community settings to assist people with their disabilities, to give them more confidence and to help them achieve a greater level of independence.
| Our dogs are trained to live and work confidently with recipients in their home and help them with their own particular tasks or needs whether it be shopping, taking trips in buses, trains or taxis to work and social destinations.
ASDOG is a member of Assistance Dogs International (ADI) and follows their internationally accepted code of ethics in relation to all areas of operation and accreditation of dogs and recipient.
| Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence® is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.
The assistance dogs we breed, raise and train aren’t just the ears, hands and legs of their human partners. They’re also goodwill ambassadors and often, their best friends. They open up new opportunities and new possibilities, and spread incredible joy. We unite people with dogs in a powerful program that leads to greater independence and confidence. |
| When your name is Guide Dogs, everyone naturally assumes that you train Guide Dogs for people who are blind or vision impaired. Which, of course, we do. But it's not all that we do. We train people who are vision impaired to use canes, canines and electronic aids to improve their mobility and thus independence and quality of life. We train companion dogs for children and adults who are disabled or disadvantaged owing to age, isolation or ill health and we advocate on behalf of the people we assist to make the community an easier place in which to live and work.
| A non-profit, cross-disability organization representing people partnered with guide, hearing and service dogs.
| Founded by The SW Florida Professional Dog Trainers Alliance & Jeannie Bates, PAWS for Love Assistance Dogs offer compassionate canine assistance for children and adolescents with developmental disabilites. Placement consideration is also given to adults that are challenged with mobility issues.
| Our mission at Power Paws Assistance Dogs is to provide highly skilled assistance dogs to adults and children with disabilities, to provide education and continuing support for working assistance dog teams and to be a resource in the community for people with disabilities.
| Righteous Pups Australia (formerly Righteous Pups Bendigo) is a not for profit organisation with a mission to raise, socialize and train Autism Assistance Dogs to do a variety of practical tasks for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families.
| Smart Pups trains Service Dogs to help physically challenged adults and children gain independence, confidence and the ability to perform daily living activities whilst enjoying the companionship, loyalty and love a dog can give.
Autism Assist Service Dogs are specifically trained to assist children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or similar disorders.
Multipurpose Service Dogs have many skills and can be trained "task specific". They can be trained as Seizure Assistance Dogs as well as Autistic Assistance and also help with Mobility.